Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Faith House N9 (The Cult)

This is a blog to raise public awareness of the spiritual abuse taking place at a church called “Faith House Christian Revival Centre” located in Edmonton N9 (North London).   Spiritual abuse means “to mislead and maltreat another person in the name of God or church”.
 Richard Goddard is the registered pastor however his wife Sheila Goddard does most of the preaching.  Her preaching style is very authoritarian and mostly concerned with brimstone and fire approach rather than anything to do with love and harmony.
The pastors believe that God gave them a vision in 1989 telling them that “revival (a time of reawakened interest in religion)” will specifically come through their Church.   They have believed this every year for the past 22 years and still no revival has taken place.   Therefore they have concluded that sin among the congregation is holding back the time of “revival”.  As a result they see nothing wrong with committing spiritual abuse.   They use their position as pastors to take advantage of their  victims by putting them in a state of unquestioning obedience to their authority. If anybody questions them they are labelled as being disobedient, rebellious or lacking faith.  They use fear to control the congregation such as fear of going to hell, fear of an accident or failure in life if they leave etc.  If anyone criticises the pastors they treat it as being an attack from the devil, demons etc.  This leads to victims being subjected to “deliverance sessions” which are very abusive. The victims are intimidated and shouted at because in the pastor’s mind they are not shouting at the person but the demon within.
Lastly the congregation are commanded to repent their sins at the altar, and are told never to come to the altar empty handed by which they mean to bring their tithes (a tenth of their income that God requires from Christians) and offerings to give to the church.
Nobody speaks up about this cult because they’re afraid to and we hope to change that with blog.  If anyone else has a story we would like to hear from you, of please leave a comment.

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